Death can be uncertain and frightening. Estate Planning should be SIMPLE and AFFORDABLE.
Pelzer Law Firm regularly assists its clients related to the following estate planning and end of life issues:
A Simple Will is just that- simple. It should also be Affordable. The Probate Court handles all matters concerning probate estates and assets, but through a Simple Will, a person may control the following:
Direct and control how health care is administered in the event of a terminal condition or persistent vegetative state. Do not burden grieving family members with making such serious decisions without your guidance. Ensure that your wishes are known and honored.
Everyone has the right and option to control how they pass away. If you have a preference to die without life saving measures being administered, that is your right. Ensure that your wishes are known and respected.
Designate someone you trust to make health care decisions for you in the event you are unable to.
Designate someone you trust to handle your business and personal affairs in the event of an incapacity.
266 Meeting St,
Charleston, SC 29401
T: 843.789.4511
F: 843.789.4591